Order promotional materials for Eko-september's image ' News
Order promotional materials for Eko-september

On Organic Sweden we are working full time with the preparations for Eko-september 2024!

Just like in previous years, we come up with Organic Sweden att:

  • Project lead the campaign Eko-september
  • Maintain contacts with DVH centrally to engage them in the campaign
  • Involve other parts of the food chain in the campaign
  • Refresh the campaign page
  • Activate the campaign in social media
  • Write press releases and articles
  • Coordinate printing and distribution of campaign materials

Join the campaign and order materials with us!

We now ask the question to companies and organizations that have activated Eko-september previously - or who want to do it this year - if you want to take part in one coordinated printing of promotional materials. It can be used around own products in stores, in farm shops, at events, food fairs, markets and festivals during September. There is everything from shelf brackets to cardboard pillars, stair stands and flags. The more people who share the cost, the lower the unit price for the various promotional units.

Do this:

  • Download the order template here
  • Choose from the different campaign units (which can also be found in the image under different tabs in the document)
  • Fill in which units + quantity you want to order + desired delivery date (the price is a "maximum price")
  • RSVP by June 5
  • Email the completed order form to Elias Kvarnbäck: elias.kvarnback@organicsweden.se

More about Eko-september

Everyone is also very welcome to participate in the campaign in other ways, for example sharing the campaign on social media – we have posts for all 30 organic days in September. There are also several companies that want to coordinate store demonstrations. Just contact us and we'll talk about all the possibilities! 

We will update the campaign website www.ekoseptember.se with activities. Already now, you can download digital templates and message documents, among other things. Contact info@organicsweden.se to get the password to the download page.