The broadest campaign for organic in Sweden's image ' News
The broadest campaign for organic in Sweden

Now launched EKO-september - the broadest campaign ever for organic food in Sweden. Behind the investment is Organic Sweden, Ekologiska Lantbrukarna, KRAV and Sweden's Consumers. the purpose with EKO-september is to increase knowledge and drive sales of organic and KRAV-labeled foods.

Based on scientific research and the organic regulations, the campaign highlights seven benefits of organic: biodiversity, clean water, living soils, no extraneous chemical pesticides, extra good animal care, food without unnecessary additives and the certification itself - that organic food is extra controlled.

- The campaign has already received a very positive reception from organic farmers, food companies and trade. Now we hope that everyone who wants to push for increased knowledge and sales of organic is involved and spreads the campaign throughout September, says Charlotte Bladh André, CEO of Organic Sweden.

Within the framework of the campaign, advertising material, materials for social media and the store have been produced. All campaign material is freely available to download on the campaign page hero single

- Our ambition is to make the harvest month of September a recurring economic month - and that EKO-september takes note of the potential that lies in the growing interest in the added values ​​of organic and KRAV-marked stands for increased biodiversity, extra good animal welfare and small climate impact, says Anita Falkenek, CEO of KRAV.

Ekologiska Lantbrukarna has special activities linked to the campaign where the organic farmers are at the center and contribute with their knowledge and experience. Read more about the activities here.

- In September, a large number of organic farmers will invite to their farms, visit shops and participate in various food fairs around the country to strengthen the contact between farmer and consumer, says Sofia Sollén-Norrlin, operations manager at Organic Farmers.

Sweden's Consumers highlight, among other things, chefs and bakers who work with organic and KRAV-labeled raw materials in their part of the campaign.
EKO-september is a result of the government action plan which aims to increase organic production and consumption in Sweden.
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