
The latest news, insights and analyzes on the organic food market.
Biofach moves to July's image ' News

Biofach is moved to July

Due to the spread of Covid-19, the world-leading organic food fair Biofach 2022 will be moved to 26-29 July. The place is still its ...

Ecological future day 2021's image ' News

Ecological future day 2021

This year, the Organic Future Day will be held on October 28 with the theme "the road to a sustainable food system". THE ROAD TO A SUSTAINABLE FOOD SYSTEM How does ...

Successful apple premiere bore fruit's image ' News

Successful apple premiere bore fruit

15 tons of organic apples sold in one day - that is the successful result of the Organic Apple Premiere at Stora Juleboda farm which took place on Wednesday ...

Risks with new GMO technology undermine's image ' News

Risks with new GMO technology are underestimated

In a debate article published in SVD (7/8), Klara Fischer, associate professor at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, criticizes the Swedish Board of Agriculture's assessment of opportunities ...