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Ecological Future Day 2022

May 25, Organic Future Day was broadcast from loose farming at the organic dairy farm Lovö Prästgård outside Stockholm.
As it is election year and our food production is in focus, we invited to an agricultural policy debate.
As input to the debate, we received inspiration and perspectives from both Denmark's Minister of Food and Agriculture Rasmus Prehn and from Elin Rydström who runs Lovö Prästgård. We also presented an action program from the eco-industry that Organic Sweden developed together with Ekologiska Lantbrukarna, KRAV, Ekomatcentrum and Naturskyddsföreningen. In the action program, we call on our political parties to decide on a reform of the food strategy that more clearly steers towards a robust and fossil-independent food production. Political initiatives must prioritize measures, technologies and methods that strengthen the ecosystems on which our food production depends. The action program for the transition to a sustainable food supply, launched during the day, there is that download here.

We hope for a broad political support behind organic production, with maintained goals for organic agricultural land and organic purchases in the public sector, as well as investments to increase total organic consumption in Sweden.

Thank you to all partners during the day, visitors and you who followed the event via our Youtube channel.