Soon we will leave a challenging year behind us with a lot of focus on crises, both in our outside world and in the domestic market. At the same time, we see more and more initiatives, solutions and collaborations that can create new opportunities for ecological and KRAV-marked to grow again. On December 14, we invite you to the Ecological Future Day for the tenth year in a row. During this year's conference, we will highlight good examples from key players in the industry. We will also present a 10-point program to increase eco.
13.00 – Hello and welcome!
Charlotte Bladh André, CEO at Organic Sweden.
13.10 – Michaël Wilde, keynote speaker
Michaël, operations manager of Bionext, our sister organization in the Netherlands, will talk about the development of organic in his home country and how grocery chains in the Netherlands are taking important steps forward to grow the share of organic. He will also talk about the role of politics and their recently adopted Organic Action Plan.
13.30 - Organic Swedens 10-point program
Charlotte Bladh André and Anton Järild present a 10-point program for eco – an action plan to grow eco and KRAV.
13.50 – Expert panel
- Christina Rudin Snöbohm, WWF Sweden
- Ulf Mazur, Matpriskollen
- Martin Moström, Retail House
- Anna Nilsson, Country Agriculture
14.30 – Good examples from the grocery trade
- Jenny Lönn, ICA Group
- Anna Sommar Lönnemar, Home purchase
- Mattis Bergquist, Coop Sweden
- Anneli Bylund, Lidl Sweden
15.15 – Final reflections & next steps
Charlotte and Anton summarize the day together with Erika Olsson, chairman of Ekologiska Lantbrukarna and Emma Rung, CEO at KRAV.
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