Ecological Annual Report 2023's image' News
Ecological Annual Report 2023

In 2023, the total sales value for organic food in Sweden increased by 0,9 percent. This is shown in the Ecological Annual Report. The organic share decreased in all channels except Systembolaget, where it increased slightly. The volume of organic food sold decreased sharply in the grocery trade, especially at the beginning of the year. Gradually during 2023, the organic foods performed increasingly better relative to the conventional ones. Low additional prices for organic products to farmers led to Sweden losing a large proportion of organically certified farmland.

Organic Annual Report summarizes the sales of organic food and drink in all major sales channels. In total, in 2023 organic food was sold for 34,2 billion in Sweden, which constituted 7,8 percent of total sales. The proportion organic decreased in 2023 by 0,5 percentage points. In terms of volume, sales decreased more, but due to higher food prices, the total decrease in value is more or less unchanged. Several years of declining sales and low prices for the organic farmers led to a drastic decline in organic area in Sweden in 2023 by approximately 16 percent.

At the same time, the sales trend has changed during the year. The first quarters were characterized by a large decline which gradually slowed down. The last quarter of 2023 saw an increase in sales in several key categories. Several campaigns from the grocery trade and a greater focus on broad sustainability issues may be reasons for the increase. 

- The Organic Annual Report shows, among other things, that organic consumers' interest in sustainable and healthy foods has not decreased. It is rather that consumers' wallets have become thinner. In addition to price, eco-consumers think that the biggest barrier is finding the organic products in stores. More eco-campaigns, a wider range and clearer store communication should therefore be simple measures to speed up eco-sales, says Charlotte Bladh André, CEO of Organic Sweden.

The report in brief

  • At Systembolaget, sales of organic drinks increased by approximately SEK 370 million.
  • In the public sector, organic purchases increased by SEK 250 million, while the organic share of total food purchases decreased.
  • Sweden is still the world's best in organic in the public sector, 39 percent of purchases are organic by volume.
  • In the private restaurant sector, purchases of organic food increased by SEK 60 million, but the proportion decreased.
  • Sales of organic food directly from farm to consumer increased in 2023 by approximately SEK 30 million.
  • The trend for organic food was positive during the year. During the last quarter, sales increased in volume for fruit and vegetables, eggs and meat.
  • Organic eggs took shares of conventional eggs.
  • Hemköp is the chain with the largest organic share of meat and fruit and vegetables, Coop is the largest in dairy. 
  • Lidl has had a positive sales trend in the fruit and vegetable and dairy categories

About the Ecological Annual Report: 

Behind the Ecological Annual Report is Organic Sweden and Ekologiska Lantbrukarna in association with KRAV and Ekomatcentrum. LRF and Livsmedelsföretagen are part of the reference group linked to the report. The report is financed by the Swedish Board of Agriculture within the framework of the Action Plan for organic production and consumption, part of the Swedish food strategy.

Here you can download the entire Ecological Annual Report