Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2025's image' News
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2025


On Organic Sweden we look back at a fantastic 2024 where cooperation has been the key to success! Together with our member companies, the trade and organizations in Sweden and Europe, we have done a lot to lift ecological and KRAV-marked

Here are some highlights from the year:

  • Shop Organic/Nudging Organic: Signage in 120 ICA stores, taste samples and social campaigns to move the consumer's hand towards organic. With a website and Instagram we reach over half a million consumers!

  • Mission Food environment: A system mapping for more sustainable and healthy food environments - follow us on LinkedIn!

  • Eco-September campaign: In-store demos, organic pancakes and meetings with consumers. Organic Export UK: Great strides in the UK market with Nordic Organic Food Fair and social media campaigns.

  • Organic market day: A day for insights and launch of the Organic Annual Report.

  • Eco-September: In-store demos, organic pancakes and meetings with consumers.

  • 70+ events with organic farmers: Eco-breakfasts, study visits and much more around Sweden. International collaborations and congresses:

  • Participation in the European Organic Congress, Biofach, and collaboration with sister organizations in Europe.


A big thank you to everyone who was part of our journey! Now we look forward to an even more inspiring and ecological 2025.

Here you can see more pictures, and read even more about what we did in 2024.