Årstiderna, who is a member of Organic Sweden, has for many years profiled itself as a dedicated player in e-commerce for organic food bags. Now the company has also taken the step to offer an online shop with loose picks with 100 percent organic food and drink.
Already a couple of months ago received Årstidernas members try the new one webshop Earth's Best. It turned out well, and on March XNUMX, Earth's Best was launched for everyone with a hunger for organic food and drink. Everyone can shop directly of in Earth's Best, but by becoming a member i by Årstiderna the customer receives a ten percent discount on purchases, invitations to member activities, and avoids handling fees.
- High quality and wide range of fruits and vegetables has always been a hallmark of Årstiderna. This is how it will continue to be, but at the same time we are now launching products in more categories, above all we are expanding the range in plant-based, says Nathalie Seow at
Despite the expanded range, one of the cornerstones of Earth's Best is that what is not good enough for the planet goes away! For example, there is one no fly policy which means that no products imported by air to Europe or Sweden are sold through Earth's Best. This despite the fact that the web shop offers exotic fruits such as mangoes and Canarian bananas. According to Nathalie, this is made possible by actively choosing suppliers who use shipping and land-based transport. Årstiderna was founded in Denmark and the imported products sold in both Denmark and Sweden arrive in Copenhagen. As Denmark is the world's best eco-country in terms of private consumption, it is possible to reach volumes that enable cost-effective transport.
According to Nathalie, many of Årstidernas customers are very loyal and have been involved since the start with organic grocery bags more than 10 years ago. Today, deliveries are offered to the majority of Sweden's population to the south Stockholm. To check again Årstiderna delivers to where you live, it is easiest to check Årstidernas website. Once you get in there, it's easy to be captivated by all the wonderful organic products. Everything from orange to tempeh, from chocolate milk to pot bread is there. And that despite the fact that a lot of products have been misplaced along the way. Earth's Best - simply!