Launch of the report Swedish eco-market's image ' News
Launch of the report Swedish eco-market

On February 25, we present, together with Ekologiska Lantbrukarna, the report Swedish eco-market. Additional partners in the work on the report are LRF, KRAV and Ekomatcentrum.

With a holistic approach and solid data, the situation and development for ecological and KRAV-labeled foods in Sweden. How much was sold in different market channels in 2021? Which categories of organic food are declining and which are increasing? Have the organic farms increased their sales directly to consumers? And what does consumer interest really look like today for organic food? You will receive answers to this and much more in the new annual report. 

The event takes place digitally and is open to everyone. Registration is made here


08.15 The link opens 

08.30 Welcome and introduction
Organic Swedens CEO Charlotte Bladh André welcomes and talks about the project 

08.40 How did sales go in 2021?
The report authors Niclas Åkeson and Lars Jonasson present the content of the report 

09.15 Significance for the industry
Representatives from Organic Sweden, Ekologiska Lantbrukarna, LRF, Ekomatcentrum
and KRAV shares his reconnaissance

09.45 Questions and conclusions
