On September 1, the Eco-September campaign starts for the fifth year in a row! Eco-September is a recurring campaign for organic food and drink. It's 30 days focused on the benefits of choosing organic and KRAV-marked. Behind Eco-September stands Organic Sweden, Ekologiska Lantbrukarna, Sweden's Consumers and KRAV.
During Eco-September comes Organic Sweden, Ekologiska Lantbrukarna, Sweden's Consumers and KRAV among other things, spreading the campaign in social media, displaying signs in stores, advertising outdoors, working with PR and organizing events all over the country. Anyone who wants to drive sales and spread knowledge about organic and KRAV-marked are welcome to participate in the Eco-September campaign.
- This year we have built on the campaign with new messages and new campaign material that highlight the benefits of choosing eco. All material is freely available to download and use. The more people who campaign at the same time - the greater opportunity we have to reach customers and consumers across the country, says Charlotte Bladh André, CEO of Organic Sweden.
In addition, KRAV to activate Eco-September with two moving ads that focus on biological diversity and better animal welfare. Throughout week 36, the ads will appear on 1 screens around Sweden, as well as in social media during weeks 000, 36 and 37.
A great amount organic farmers will arrange open eco-farms, eco-farmers in stores and lunch at eco-farmers around Sweden. And many food company with organic food and drink in the range will spread the campaign in their digital channels and bring promotional materials to create offers out in store.
- During Eco-September, many of our members around the country demonstrate how the organic food is produced and why it provides more biological diversity, a better climate, clean water, fertile soils, better animal welfare and fewer additives in the food. Organic farming and animal husbandry are important tools for solving many of the major challenges that our entire food system faces today, says Sofia Emilsson, operations manager at Ekologiska Lantbrukarna.
All the chains within grocery store will also participate in the campaign in various ways during September. It is something that Sweden's Consumers, not least, see as very positive. The organization has reported in the spring that the trade's campaigns for organic have decreased drastically in recent years, starting before the sharp price increases.
- It is clear that eco sales are decreasing at the same rate as the chains' campaigns for eco are decreasing. There is thus a potential for the trade to partly increase the number of price campaigns for eco again, partly to participate in the Eco-September campaign so that more consumers must pay attention to and choose eco in stores, says Jan Bertoft, Secretary General of Sweden's Consumers.
On the campaign page www.ekoseptember.se you can read more about the profits with organic, download campaign material (contact info@organicsweden.se for password), and find eco-activities around the country.
Eco-September is an activity within the "Eco Action Plan" which is financed by the Swedish Agency for Agriculture within the framework of Sweden's Food Strategy.