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New statistics - sales of organic are increasing

Sales of organic food in stores and e-commerce grew by SEK 340 million in 2020. This corresponds to an increase of 3,5 percent. It shows new statistics from Nielsen as both KRAV and Ekologiska Lantbrukarna analyzed.

The recent sales figures from Nielsen show - in contrast to previous preliminary assessments - that sales of organic food increased in 2020. It is particularly gratifying that organic food from Sweden increased last year, after declining slightly in 2018 and 2019. Sales of KRAV-labeled foods.

This is what the sales development looks like Ekologiska Lantbrukarnas new report Swedish Eco-Index:

  • Organic cereals, flour and bread: +12,2%
  • Organic beef: +4,8%
  • Organic eggs: + 3,5%
  • Organic chicken: +6,4%
  • Organic dairy products: - 1,9%

Figures for fruit, vegetables, potatoes and root vegetables are missing in the report because Nielsen does not have the opportunity to measure bulk sales in stores.

In summary, we can state that the development for eco was positive last year, but that organic sales did not increase at the same rate as conventional. As the company Marknadspriskollen previously reported, this may be due to the fact that the grocery trade has greatly reduced the marketing of the organic range. Other reasons may be that the focus has shifted from organic to vegetarian, Swedish and locally grown.

However, these trends do not have to be in opposition to each other - the food can be vegetarian, Swedish, locally grown and organic at the same time - but which aspect drives trade the most naturally affects how the consumer reasons and acts. Therefore, the food industry needs to become better at raising the holistic perspective and talk about all the benefits that organic production contributes to; biodiversity, fertile soils, clean water, extra good animal welfare and food without unnecessary additives.

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Photo: Coop Sweden