Saltå Kvarn: Better pay to the eco-farmer gives more sustainable choices 'image' News
Saltå Kvarn: Better pay to the eco-farmer gives more sustainable choices

Swedish Radio recently reported that payments to organic farmers are very low. Especially those who grow grain such as rye and those who have dairy cows are having a hard time. Farmers simply do not get paid enough for all the extra work they do for biodiversity, climate and animal welfare.

This development is what our member company wants Saltå Kvarn change. The solution lies partly in the obvious - to give the farmer better pay - and partly in rewarding the farmer for doing even more for the environment and the planet.

With the concept ”Saltås toolbox”Their suppliers are encouraged to do so on a voluntary basis in addition KRAVregulations to choose from as many as 155 measures for better planetary health. These can be, for example, measures for increased biodiversity or reduced climate impact. Depending on the ambition, the farm ends up on one of the levels "In progress", "Balance" or "Spearhead". By paying more for higher grading and extra measures in addition to that, the farmer should be encouraged to raise the level every year.

“Swedish farmers can certainly grow organically with long-term profitability. It's about giving them the right pay for the work they do. The basic problem is that conventionally grown food costs too little in relation to the environmental impact and restoration cost of the production method. To change that requires a community initiative and political leadership, just like with Bonus Malus on cars. Today, it is cheaper to produce in a way that destroys our environment - it should of course be the other way around, ”says Jonas Regnér, CEO of Saltå Kvarn.

Organic Sweden wholeheartedly supports Saltå Kvarns initiative and hopes that both food companies and the grocery trade will follow suit. Together we can make a difference and create a more sustainable and fair food chain!

Photos: Saltå Kvarn