Three out of four companies with organic food believe in increased export's image ' News
Three out of four companies with organic food believe in increased exports

Biofach - the world's largest eco-fair - broke records this year with over 50.000 visitors and 3.800 exhibitors from 110 countries. Recent statistics presented at the fair show that interest in organic food is increasing both in Europe and in the rest of the world. Sweden has a modest export of organic food and drink, but a new survey among Swedish organic companies shows that three out of four believe in increased exports.

Three out of four eco-companies believe in increased exports

A new survey commissioned by KANTAR Sifo Organic Sweden and KRAV shows that 73 percent of Swedish companies that produce organic food believe in increased exports. Today, exports of organic food from Sweden are estimated at around SEK 1 billion. It is a very small part of the total Swedish food exports, which is around SEK 50 billion.

The market for organic in Europe exceeds 40 billion

Recent figures presented during Biofach confirm that there is great potential for increased eco-exports from Sweden. The organic market in Europe continues to grow. Several of the larger markets, including France, have had a double-digit growth rate. In 2018, the European market grew by almost 8 percent and now has a turnover of 40,7 billion euros, according to the research institute FiBL. Many countries - not least our neighbor Germany - depend on imports to meet demand.

- Sweden has everything to gain from continued investments in the export of organic food. The ecological certification clarifies the added value of the products with a focus on both quality and sustainability. This in turn gives an additional payment. Sweden needs to compete on quality rather than price when we enter new markets, says Charlotte Bladh André Organic Sweden.

What is in demand in the export markets?

In the survey from KANTAR Sifo, the Swedish eco-companies state that quality and food craftsmanship are the added values ​​that are most important to highlight when exporting. Then comes the environment and sustainability. These added values ​​are also strengthened KRAVcertification that goes beyond the EU acquis for ecology in several areas, such as animal welfare and climate.

What the eco-companies highlight as measures to make the eco-export grow are resources to attend relevant fairs and increased investments in the marketing of Swedish organic food. Other things that promote exports are support for other countries' regulations and help with logistical challenges as well as finding the right distributors.

Swedish organic farmers at Biofach

During Biofach, a group of Swedish organic farmers has represented Ekologiska Lantbrukarna in Business Sweden's stand Try Swedish.

- We have received most concrete requests for interest and requests for long-term collaborations. Sweden's organic farmers are viable identity carriers and Swedish organic farming stands for high control security and transparency. We could have a much stronger position in the international market, says Hermann Leggedör, organic farmer and advisor.

Contact Organic Sweden for more information about the survey:
info [at]