
- Campaign month for organic

EKO-september is a campaign developed to contribute to more information and increased knowledge about how organic food is produced and what it contributes to. The campaign is aimed at consumers, farmers, processors, grocery stores, wholesalers and anyone interested in organic food.

The goal with EKO-september is to:

  • Promote collaboration in the food industry to spread commitment and increase knowledge about organic and increase sales of organic and KRAV-marked food and drink
  • Turn EKO-september to a recurring campaign month for organic

Read more about the campaign and how your company can participate www.heltenkelteko.se

Eco-September Dalarna

In addition to the national Eco-September campaign, we are also carrying out a special regional effort on Eco-September in Dalarna. 

The goal of the project is increased sales by training 20 eco-ambassadors, organizing six dialogue meetings with various actors in the food chain and carrying out sales-raising activities on ten occasions.

The project is carried out in collaboration between Organic Sweden, Organic farmers Dalarna and the County Board of Dalarna County with the clear aim of increasing sales of organic products from Dalarna. The aim is to be achieved by carrying out dialogue meetings within the food industry, training of Eco-ambassadors, farm tours, farmer in store, product demonstrations and campaign support via social media, among other things.

Going forward, we will present more information about Eco-September Dalarna here. If you already have questions or want to get involved, get in touch anders.heimer@organicsweden.se

Eco-September Dalarna is implemented with support from the EU through the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.

Eco-September Värmland

Also in Värmland we are carrying out a special regional investment on Eko-September i Värmland.

The purpose of the project is to increase demand and sales of locally produced organic food in Värmland. The project is aimed at prospective ECO producers, the grocery trade with shop staff, private consumers and the public sector.

Implementation of the project consists of a number of efforts which together strengthen and hopefully increase demand and sales of locally produced organic food in Värmland. This happens in three different ways:
• A major activity is that the project takes part in the developed concept in the national campaign EKO-september to Värmland and disseminates concepts and campaign materials.
• Other activities in the project are to add the knowledge of ECO to the existing ongoing project "Locally produced food in public environments" and participation in NIFA's industry day. The ECO project Värmland will contribute with the ecological dimension. By finding synergies with already existing food arrangements, the project reaches the target group with information about the benefits of organic production and products.
• Project specific activities.

The project's obvious goal is to increase the sale of organic food in Värmland and then primarily organic foods that are produced in Värmland. The activities carried out within the project are to strengthen the local companies, increase the knowledge of the stores and strengthen public and private consumers' knowledge of organic food.
The sales trend is measured and analyzed among 4–5 selected products within different categories. The measurement is carried out during the campaign month and during the month before to get a baseline. In the same way, the sales trend is measured in both 2023 and 2024. In the long term, the project intends to contribute to a greater demand for organically produced food from Värmland. 

Going forward, we will present more information about Eco-September Dalarna here. If you already have questions or want to get involved, get in touch anders.heimer@organicsweden.se

I Värmland is the EU's rural program that finances the investment via the Eko project Värmland. The project is a collaborative project between the County Administrative Board Värmland, Organic Sweden and Nifa.