- Eko-Portalen
- Vegetables
- Cabbage, Mushrooms & Sprouts
- Chinarose sprouts

Chinarose sprouts
The chinarose sprouts become very interesting with their almost breathtakingly strong taste of radish. Eating them alone is recommended only for the biggest daredevils.
Chinarose is included in the category of vitamin bombs. They are one of the germ varieties with the highest vitamin content. Most prominent is vitamin C. Like the other sprouts, they also contain important enzymes, fiber, protein and minerals.
Discussions regarding the occasional exchange of salt here in the Nordic countries for stronger spices and food are becoming increasingly relevant. In this case, the chinarose sprout works great. Strong foods help us stay healthy and increase fat burning.
this company delivers:
Basic information
3 - EU ECO
3 - KRAV
3 - Made in Sweden
Certifications: EU-EKO and KRAV
4 - Food service
4 - Retail
2 - For export
2 - Within Sweden
5 - Munkagrodden
1 - Skåne
Region: Skåne
Produced in: Sweden
Shipping Information
For export: Yes
In Sweden: Yes
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