Here we list the largest wholesalers in Sweden as well as some that have a large proportion of organic products.
Alt Grönt i Vallentuna AB www.altgront.se
One of Sweden's leading organic food wholesalers.
Axfood Snabbgross AB www.snabbgross.se
Wholesaler mainly for fast food, kiosks, restaurants but also offers sales to other companies. 20 points of sale and with around 10 articles.
Biofood AB www.biofood.se
Food importer and distributor with 30 years of experience in importing and selling organic foods.
Dagab Purchase & Logistics AB www.axfood.se
Former wholesaler, now purchasing organization for Axfood.
Eco delivery www.ekologiskasaljbolaget.se/ekoleveransen
Works with coordinated direct deliveries to stores in the grocery trade. Assortment consists of 94% organic products and they deliver all over the country.
Martin & Servera AB www.martinservera.se
Leading wholesaler for the restaurant and catering industry.
- Martin & Servera's subsidiary
- Martin & Servea Restaurant shops
- The vegetable garden Sorunda
- RP Fruit
- Fällman's Meat
- Galatea Spirits
Menigo Foodservice AB www.menigo.se
Full range wholesaler with sales points in six locations in Sweden (Stockholm, Gothenburg, Karlstad, Malmo, Sundsvall and Gävle) and which offers around 31 articles.
out of home www.outofhome.se
Full range wholesaler of food for restaurants, cafes, hotels and grocery stores. Delivers nationwide in all temperature zones and has around 5000 items in stock.
Swedish Cater AB www.svenskcater.se
Full range wholesaler with around 20 locations in Sweden and around 38 items.