- Eko-Portalen
- Fruits
- Dried Fruit, Seeds & Nuts
- Coconut flakes

Coconut flakes
Our organic coconut flakes are made from the antioxidant-rich pulp from the coconut, which is first dried and then grated into beautiful chalk-white flakes with a rich exotic taste. Sprinkle the coconut flakes over fruity stews, soups, salads and rice dishes. Whisk together a sour coconut dip on natural yoghurt, coconut flakes, ginger, honey and grated lime peel, serve with stews, vegetable sticks or grilled. Dip sliced fruit and fresh berries (eg strawberry, raspberry and pineapple) in melted dark chocolate and coconut flakes or make fine fruit skewers in the same way. The flakes are also excellent for baking and gild muesli, granola, porridge and desserts! Tip! Lightly toast the flakes in a dry, medium-hot pan and use as a sprinkle for fruit salad, smoothies, ice cream or sorbet.
this company delivers:
food service
Private Label
Basic information
EAN: 7330137031541
5 - Biofood
3 - EU ECO
Certifications: EU-EKO
4 - Food service
4 - Industry
4 - Private labels
4 - Retail
2 - Within Sweden
7 - Organic Swedens collection stand – Organic Export UK
Pack size: 3.5 KG
Produced in: Sri Lanka
Shipping Information
In Sweden: Yes
Organic coconut.
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