Linas och Binas
We want to offer you a honey with health-promoting properties and have therefore chosen to handle it without heating.
We do not need to add any flavors. Our different types of honey get their specific taste and character from the flowers the bees have visited.
The fact that the honey is organic guarantees, among other things, that we do not use any chemical pesticides in or outside the hives and that the bees are allowed to keep some of their honey for the winter. Feel free to learn more about KRAVbeekeeping under the tab "About the honey".
The honey is collected by bees from three KRAV-certified beekeepers. Lina Norrsell, Albert Eckerbom and Johan Falk
The bees contribute with their pollination to increased yields in our fruit and berry crops. We thank, pick and squeeze into juice. Sometimes with a little flavoring of honey.
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