- Eko-Portalen
- Fruits
- Bear
- Lingonberry KRAV

Lingonberry KRAV
Organic Swedish wild and unsweetened lingonberries that are loose frozen.
The lingonberries are organic, KRAV-marked and picked in KRAV-certified forest areas in Norrland, which means that the land must not have been fertilized and sprayed for the past three years. No picking is allowed on the felling for the next three years after tree planting, as the forest plants are often treated with chemical agents. The area must also not be too close to a busy road or other source of pollution. In addition, the cesium content of the soil must be checked and must not exceed those limit values KRAV has set up. Social responsibility is also an important part of KRAVcertification.
this company delivers:
Basic information
3 - EU ECO
3 - KRAV
3 - Made in Sweden
Certifications: EU-EKO and KRAV
4 - Food service
4 - Industry
4 - Private labels
4 - Retail
2 - For export
2 - Within Sweden
5 - Magnihill
1 - Skåne
Region: Skåne
Produced in: Sweden
Shipping Information
For export: Yes
In Sweden: Yes
100% Lingonberry*
*=KRAV-organic ingredient
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