The almond belongs to the family 'rose plants' and is not really a nut but a nutritious stone fruit. Biofoods organic almonds are good to season with chili, lemon peel, tamari (light soy) and honey for a delicious weekend mix. Chop natural almonds and sprinkle over your favorite salad, mix into tubes and dips, mix as an ingredient in muesli and granola or use for baking. They have a mild nutty taste and are good to mix with almond milk or creamy almond cream and serve with sliced fruit and colorful berries. Note! Contains <2-3% bitter almond.
Pack sizes:
250 G
750 G
KG 3
this company delivers:
Basic information
EAN: 7330137032036
5 - Biofood
3 - EU ECO
Certifications: EU-EKO
4 - Food service
4 - Industry
4 - Private labels
4 - Retail
2 - Within Sweden
7 - Organic Swedens collection stand – Organic Export UK
Pack size: 250 G
Produced in: Spain
Shipping Information
In Sweden: Yes
Organic ALMONDS.
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