- Eko-Portalen
- Butter & Oil
- Cooking oil
- Mossagårdens hemp oil

Mossagårdens hemp oil
Mossagården i Skåne is nestled among lush oaks, lush pastures, beautiful wetlands and luxuriant vegetable fields and here it has been grown organically since 1985. Sweden's first subscription service for vegetables was started on the charming Skåne farm and here is also one of Sweden's largest organic hemp farms.
Hemp is a fantastic plant and you can use it for an incredible amount; insulation, clothing, skin oil, rope and more.
Hemp oil contains large amounts of the useful fatty acid omega-3 (linolenic acid, etc.) and also important minerals, vitamins and trace elements. It is green in color, nutty in taste and good to eat cold. Perfect in salads and smoothies or directly on a spoon. Mossagårdenhemp oil is of high quality; cold pressed, Swedish and organic.
this company delivers:
Basic information
7 - Own stand
7 - Eko-Portalens stand
3 - EU ECO
3 - KRAV
3 - Made in Sweden
Certifications: EU-EKO and KRAV
4 - Food service
4 - Retail
2 - For export
2 - Within Sweden
5 - Mossagården
1 - Skåne
Region: Skåne
Pack size: 250 ml & 750 ml
Produced in: Sweden
Shipping Information
For export: Yes
In Sweden: Yes
hemp oil
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