
Here you can download and read Organic Swedens reports on the organic market - on organic farming, on the views of organic food companies on the market and exports and on the trends that shape the market for organic food and drink. 

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Swedish eco-index quarter 3 2024
The report shows how sales of organic food developed in the grocery trade during the third quarter of 2024. The report shows a strong rise for organic meat, but that it is still slow in other categories.
The Swedish eco-index is published by Ekologiska Lantbrukarna, Organic Sweden and KRAV.
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Swedish eco-index quarter 2 2024
The report shows how sales of organic food developed in the grocery trade during the second quarter of 2024. The report shows that the sales value of organic decreased, while the volume of organic dairy products increased.
The Swedish eco-index is published by Ekologiska Lantbrukarna, Organic Sweden and KRAV.
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Swedish eco-index quarter 1 2024
The report shows how sales of organic food developed in the grocery trade during the first quarter of 2024. The report shows that there were small changes in the organic market during the first quarter of 2024.
The Swedish eco-index is published by Ekologiska Lantbrukarna, Organic Sweden and KRAV.
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Ecological Annual Report 2023
For the third year in a row, organizations within the Swedish food industry have jointly produced a report on the market for organic and KRAV-labeled foods. The report provides an overall picture of the sales development for organic food in 2023 in the most important channels. In total, organic food was sold for 34,2 billion in 2023 in Sweden, which constituted 7,8 percent of total sales. Even though eco-sales lost shares compared to conventional, the year ended relatively strong, which gives faith in the future in the eco-industry.

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Nudging for organic in stores in 2023
The 2023 edition of "Nudging for an organic store" shows, just like its predecessor, how stores with relatively simple means can use nudging as a tool to increase sales of organic food and drink. The report also contains a "checklist" with nudging methods and other keys for how to get customers to move their hand on the shelf.
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Ecological Annual Report 2022
For the second year in a row, organizations within the Swedish food industry have jointly produced a report on the market for organic and KRAV-labeled foods. The report "Organic annual report 2022" provides an overall picture of the sales development for organic food in 2022 in the most important channels. It also contains insights into consumer behavior and the effects of inflation on consumption.
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Nudging for organic in stores in 2022
The report "Nudging for organic in store 2022" takes its starting point from a number of store experiments that were carried out in the fall of 2022. The aim was to test and evaluate new communicative approaches to increase sales of organic food and drink. With the report, we want to spread knowledge about how in stores - with relatively simple means - you can get more people to choose sustainable organic alternatives.
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Organic production as a tool for conversion
Organic production drives the development towards increased sustainability and self-sufficiency throughout agriculture. In this way, it offers precisely the type of integrated solutions that ongoing crises demonstrate the need for. With this report, we show politicians and decision-makers what the eco-industry needs to grow.
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Ecological annual report 2021
For the first time, a number of organizations in the Swedish food industry have jointly produced a report on the market for organic and KRAV-labeled foods. The report "Organic annual report 2021" provides an overall picture of the situation regarding sales of organic food and beverages in Sweden. For the first time, sales directly from farm to consumer are also reported.
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Ecological Producer Barometer 2021

The Organic Producer Barometer 2021 provides insight into food companies' views of the market and their expectations for the future. The report also contains questions concerning exports and how the corona pandemic has affected sales. The survey was conducted by Kantar Sifo on behalf of Organic Sweden and KRAV.

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Ecological Trend Report - The new local

The first edition of the Organic Trend Report examines what the growing craze for locally and locally produced food means for the organic market in Sweden. What challenges and opportunities does it create? What are the success examples? And how can we take advantage of them to promote resilient and sustainable consumption and production? The report is written by Organic Sweden and Pond Design are responsible for the design.

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Ecological Producer Barometer 2020

The Organic Producer Barometer provides insight into food companies' views of the market and their expectations for the future. The survey was conducted by Kantar Sifo on behalf of Organic Sweden and KRAV.

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Organic Agricultural Barometer 2020

The Organic Agricultural Barometer examines how Swedish organic farmers view market development and the future of their business in Sweden. This knowledge and understanding is central for individual organic farmers as well as for industry players and decision-makers in the work of developing Swedish organic farming and the market. The survey was conducted by Kantar Sifo on behalf of Ekologiska Lantbrukarna and Organic Sweden.

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Organic Agricultural Barometer 2019

This is the first barometer that measures how Swedish organic farmers view market development and the future of their business in Sweden. The purpose is to create a basis for in-depth knowledge and understanding for individual organic farmers, industry players and decision-makers in the work of developing Swedish organic farming. The survey was conducted by Kantar Sifo on behalf of Ekologiska Lantbrukarna and Organic Sweden.

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Eco-export reports 2018

Organic Sweden and Ekologiska Lantbrukarna has commissioned the consulting company Macklean to carry out a survey of Swedish exports of organic food. Compared with the 2017 survey, the results show that exports of KRAV-labelled and organic food and drink increased by SEK 51 million and is estimated to amount to SEK 1,2 billion.

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Guide for communication of organic foods

With the aim of making it easier for you who are to market or in some other way communicate whether organic food in commercial contexts has Organic Sweden and Ekologiska Lantbrukarna with support from KRAV produced a Communication Guide. The messages are based on scientific research and the regulations for organic production, as well as reviewed by lawyers.

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Organic agriculture and the sustainable development goals

The report shows that organic farming contributes to 8 of the 17 global goals, including some of the most central goals such as combating climate change and protecting biodiversity. Behind the report are IFOAM Organics International - the global umbrella organization for organic farming - and the Dutch company Eosta, which has commissioned the University of Twente to analyze over 50 research articles and most reports from the various UN agencies IPBES, IPCC and FAO. 

The study is supplemented with four cases written off Organic Sweden, examples of organic farming companies from around the world that are at the forefront, including four Swedish organic farms; Biskophagens Odlingar i Skåne, Yttereneby Gård i Södermanland, and Hagby Gård and Hånsta Östergärde in Uppland.

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