Eat parsley
Parsley is the world spice that has an obvious place in Swedish home cooking. As useful as it is delicious, it reigns supreme in the summer's fresh potato salad, in the meat soup or in the casserole dish. In addition, it is beautiful as a garnish with its deep green, curly leaves.
this company delivers:
Basic information
EAN: 8712119001060
3 - EU ECO
3 - KRAV
3 - Made in Sweden
Certifications: EU-EKO and KRAV
4 - Food service
4 - Industry
4 - Private labels
4 - Retail
2 - For export
2 - Within Sweden
1 - Skåne
5 - Cooking Flavors
Region: Skåne
Packaging unit (12)
Produced in: Sweden
Shipping Information
For export: Yes
In Sweden: Yes
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