- Eko-Portalen
- Fruits
- Dried Fruit, Seeds & Nuts
- Hazelnuts

The hazelnut has a crunchy, full-bodied and intensely nutty taste. Delicious - in sweet and savory dishes and as an ingredient in muesli and granola, for baking (especially with chocolate), rustic bread and other sweets. The nuts get a fantastic taste when roasted in a dry, hot pan, rub off the skin, chop or mix into a crunchy hazelnut butter or sprinkle over salads and desserts, such as ice cream or sliced fruit. A scooped tablespoon adds fabulous creaminess to a smoothie!
Pack sizes:
250 G
750 G
KG 3
this company delivers:
Basic information
EAN: 7330137031138
5 - Biofood
3 - EU ECO
Certifications: EU-EKO
4 - Food service
4 - Industry
4 - Private labels
4 - Retail
2 - Within Sweden
7 - Organic Swedens collection stand – Organic Export UK
Pack size: 250 G
Produced in: Turkey (Non-EU Agriculture)
Shipping Information
In Sweden: Yes
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