Glommersbär's Dried Lingonberry, natural, ECO'
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GlommersbärSKU: In stock

Dried lingonberry, natural, ECO

The berries are picked in the forests around us and processing takes place in the small village of Glommersträsk in Arvidsjaur municipality.

100 grams of dried berries corresponds to approx. 1,4 kg fresh.

Some areas of use: Mix in mueslin, eat as is or add flavor to bread or porridge.

this company delivers:

Basic information

6 - April

6 - August


6th of February

6 - January

6th June

6 - May

6 March

November 6

6 - October

6 - September

3 - EU ECO

Certifications: EU-EKO

5 - Glommer berries

2 - Within Sweden

1 - Norrbotten

Region: Norrbotten

Package size: 100-200g

Packaging unit (1)

Packaging: Consumer packaging

Produced in: Glommersträsk

Shipping Information

Season: January - June and August - December

In Sweden: Yes


Swedish lingonberry

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