Wer Chocolate RAW Ginger Lemon ECO 50g
We at WermlandsChoklad know exactly where our cocoa raw material comes from and you can enjoy our chocolate with a clear conscience. We produce tree to bar and have full control over the entire production stage - from the cocoa plantation to finished chocolate bars. We can have that thanks to the fact that we have a cocoa plantation in Ecuador as a co-owner.
Arriba Naciónal is the name of the cocoa grown on the plantation outside the town of Patricia Pilar in the province of Los Ríos in Ecuador. Arriba Naciónal is the most common cocoa in Ecuador and is usually seen as the country's great pride. Arriba Naciónal is well known for its fruity aromas with pleasantly balanced acidity and hints of tropical fruits.
The plantation in Ecuador today covers 30 hectares with around 35000 cocoa trees. All are older varieties of Arriba Nacional. After harvesting the cocoa fruit, the pulp is removed and the seeds, the future cocoa beans, are taken care of. Fermentation and drying then take place. The cocoa that goes on to WermlandsChoklad to become raw chocolate is then pressed into blocks, while the cocoa that we use for our classic varieties is roasted and then ground into cocoa mass. The blocks and cocoa mass are carefully packed in boxes on pallets and picked up by truck directly at the production premises. They are driven to the port in Guayaquil and there the cocoa is loaded into a container which after six to seven weeks arrives at the port in Gothenburg. So no intermediate storage anywhere in Europe!
We have no unnecessary ingredients in our chocolate. We Varmlanders (and many others too for that matter) like the shortest possible ingredient lists and think that a good chocolate should not contain more than the best cocoa beans, a well-chosen quality sugar and maybe some delicious flavoring. That's it!
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3 - EU ECO
Certifications: EU-EKO
2 - for export
2 - within Sweden
4 - Retail
5 - Wermland Chocolate
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